This is the best website I've seen in a while - no not "l'esprit d'escalier" - www.GirlsArePretty.com. These guys set up a scenario each day for you - they are kind of like faux-holidays. For example, today is "Your New Boyfriend Was The Killer All Along Day!"
"For the past few days your new boyfriend has been your fearless protector because whenever you'd find another body or you'd hear something in the woods and start running, he'd appear out of nowhere and hold you tight in his arms. You felt really lucky for having met this guy just as the killings began because it would have really sucked to be single during all of this. Every night after someone's body is found, everyone couples up in the living room, the girlfriends crying into their boyfriends' shoulders while the boyfriends ask questions like, "So we're just supposed to sit here and wait for him to pick us off, one by one?" Normally you'd be the one in the kitchen doing dishes and testing the CB radio to see if it works yet, but now you get to cry into your boyfriend's shoulder just like everyone else.
"Until now. Now that you're alone in the basement with all the doors locked shut from the inside, you notice that your boyfriend has two razor sharp hooks where his hands should be.
"How long have you had those?" you'll ask.
"Since the accident, when I was left to die by the side of the road while teenagers drove by having sex and throwing beer cans at me," he'll say. He'll be scraping the hooks along metal stuff to make scary noises.
"Oh my God, it was you all along," you'll say.
"You were right about what you said when I asked you why you're still single," he'll say. "Guys are jerks."
"He'll lunge at you. You should duck out of the way and run and scream, okay?
"Happy Your New Boyfriend Was The Killer All Along Day!"
one really shouldn't make fun of such a serious situation
Mary Jane with flower and hot pink detail

They are gorgoeous. They are my new favorite pair. The picture doesn't do them justice as they actually have a three inch heel. They are also the reason that I'm dreading walking up the stairs to bed. My feet hurt like hell. I'll never wear new shoes to work again. Ouch.
"excellent new e-bayer"
Now, I'm not bragging, but rumor around town is that I'm a winner! I have won exactly three items on e-bay, spending a grand total of not quite $30. It costs oh so little to be a winner these days.
e-bay is so addictive! Not only am I a winner, but I also have all positive feedback. It's almost like getting a report card with straight A's, and that, my friends, hasn't happened since I was in elementary school.
What was I thinking?
I know that I need to cut down on my bills, and I knew that it had to be a sales call, but I answered anyway - I NEVER buy anything over the phone. I was just going to get rid of them, tell them not to call back, and save my caller ID. Long story short...
I now have all of the HBO and Cinemax channels for the low, low price of $9.95 per month. (I'm sure with taxes, surcharges, etc, it is going to end up costing me 20 bucks a month.)
I can't hardly wait to start watching even more TV. Gross!
Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me
Spinning on that dizzy edge,
I kissed her face and kissed her head
and dreamed of all the different ways
I had to make her glow.
- The Cure
Just Like Heaven
This is the most you are going to get out of me in the way of a St. Valentine's celebration. Perhaps if I had loads of dark chocolate, I would feel more celebratory.
Texting tips for Valentine's Day
LONDON (Reuters) - Britons texting St Valentine's Day love messages next Tuesday should be careful they don't send them to the wrong person.
A poll of 3,000 mobile phone users that found 40% will be texting rather than sending cards and that one in four have misdirected a provocative text or photo.
Recipients of the unwanted texts include bosses or colleagues (9%) parents (3%) and perhaps most embarrassing of all -- ex-partners (2%).
The study for student phone service dot mobile revealed eight in ten 18-25 year olds have sent a flirty text message within the last year, with a third indulging in "text sex."
The survey found 60% of respondents had sent a flirty text to someone other than their regular partner although not without consequences for many of them.
Of those who admitted cheating, 65% had been caught out by their mobile, with a third saying their partner had read incriminating text messages.
With loved-up texters getting ready for the big day, dot mobile has come up with a few tips:
-Keep flirty messages short.
-Observe the two-day rule: get in touch after meeting someone within two days, no longer.
-Do not drink and text.
-Avoid over-use of emoticons and jargon.
-"Xs" at the end of messages should not exceed three.
-Be careful about picture messaging which others may get their hands on.
-Adhere to the two text rule; admit defeat if you have not received a reply after 12 hours and two texts.