Monday, July 11, 2005

Tona is on a post rampage!! GOSH!

Ok. so. It's official. I've had a boyfriend for an entire month and two days. Horray for me.

I've learned that this being a girlfriend thing isn't that bad when you actually like the guy you have dubbed boyfriend. In past "relationships," one might say I was mean and I didn't care about his feelings. Well, they were mostly right, but this time is different. I do care about his feelings (even if they are dumb), and I'm not mean unless provoked (I'm not mean mean, just a little mean. And I don't hurt him. Not badly.), and he does provoke. He farted on me and tickled my foot all in the same day. He was cruisin for a bruisin. I swear.

You'll know something is off when I tell you this one. I watch him play video games. Not cool ones either, like the car games. Retarded games that stupid people who smoked the entirety of America's pot in one week came up with. His favorite is called conquer Live and Reloaded. It's about a war between squirrels and teddy bears. I'm not shitting you. It's a waste of brain power, but I watch it. Why? I don't have an answer. I'm at a loss.

On another note, I'm excited about school. I actually can't wait to start. I'm ready to do something. Or rather, be on my way to doing something. Something productive. Something I will stick with. More, something to keep me away from watching conquer Live and Reloaded.

Well. I am going to go throw a shoe at my brother. He's annoying me with my own guitar.


Saturday, July 09, 2005

Viacom can kiss my ass!

VH1 Megahits is no more; Viacom has pulled it. In case you haven't read any of my other posts, VH1 Megahits is the alternative video channel that I always watched as I blogged. I mentioned it in my June 29th post, the next day tuned in, and there was a statement up that simply said that Viacom had pulled it. Don't worry, the Metal Mania, Country Music Videos, and Rhythm & Blues and Adult Urban Music Videos are still up and running. Great. Thanks.

Here is as little hint, Viacom. In OKC, I have all of the metal, country, and rap music that I could possibly want (especially considering that about five minutes a week of each is sufficient for my semi-eclectic musical tastes). We do not, however, have options when it comes to alternative or whatever they are calling any new rock music that isn't pop and/or sung by a woman who is incapable of buying a shirt long enough to cover her midriff. (Isn't that style over yet?)

Why would they pull Megahits, you ask? I didn't know until I did a seach to see if their website was still up and, instead, linked into a news site and found out that Viacom is lauching "Logo" a gay entertainment channel. I thought that is what "Oxygen" is. I'm not going to argue regarding the need for a gay/lesbian cable channel, but what about my needs, Viacom? Did you ever stop and think about that?

Now I won't know what all of the cool kids are listening to as the "Music Choice" digital music alternative channels aren't exactly the latest music. I know that there are some alternative stations online, but I haven't bought any speakers for my laptop, so the quality of the sound is comparable to a transistor radio.

On Saturday mornings, PBS is my all day viewing choice. This is where I learn to do all of the things that I never do, like cooking, home repair and gardening. I don't watch the painting and quilting shows - I just can't take them.

This morning, a new cooking show has debuted: "Everyday Food." When I saw the name, I knew that it was familiar, and then the hosts started introducing themselves, and they work for Martha Stewart. This show is produced by Martha Stewart's company with her employees starring.

I thought that one had to be semi-impoverished/struggling to have a show on PBS. I don't have a problem with Martha, but why doesn't she just buy her own cable channel or something.? I still haven't figured out what show they've pulled to put this on, but I'm pretty sure that they are punishing me because I let my membership run out.


Thursday, July 07, 2005

Need an Excuse?

Not that I'm in favor of lying to people, but with these handy-dandy background sounds, you could probably buy yourself some time with a short phone call and a simple "running late" or "having trouble getting away" comment.

Of course, you have to figure out a way to take your laptop with you, and there will need to be a wireless connection that you can hook into during your titty bar and/or happy hour "be home soon" call. (I'm sure there is a way to download this somehow, but I have neither the energy nor the patience to mess with it.)

Ladies- if you are having a hard time talking that special fella into using a condom, just go to the "Doctor's Waiting Room" background sounds and click on the "baby cry" option several times in rapid succession. He still won't want to use a condom, but it'll definitely ruin the mood - hard time no more! Heh, heh.

Link stolen from
