Saturday, July 09, 2005

Viacom can kiss my ass!

VH1 Megahits is no more; Viacom has pulled it. In case you haven't read any of my other posts, VH1 Megahits is the alternative video channel that I always watched as I blogged. I mentioned it in my June 29th post, the next day tuned in, and there was a statement up that simply said that Viacom had pulled it. Don't worry, the Metal Mania, Country Music Videos, and Rhythm & Blues and Adult Urban Music Videos are still up and running. Great. Thanks.

Here is as little hint, Viacom. In OKC, I have all of the metal, country, and rap music that I could possibly want (especially considering that about five minutes a week of each is sufficient for my semi-eclectic musical tastes). We do not, however, have options when it comes to alternative or whatever they are calling any new rock music that isn't pop and/or sung by a woman who is incapable of buying a shirt long enough to cover her midriff. (Isn't that style over yet?)

Why would they pull Megahits, you ask? I didn't know until I did a seach to see if their website was still up and, instead, linked into a news site and found out that Viacom is lauching "Logo" a gay entertainment channel. I thought that is what "Oxygen" is. I'm not going to argue regarding the need for a gay/lesbian cable channel, but what about my needs, Viacom? Did you ever stop and think about that?

Now I won't know what all of the cool kids are listening to as the "Music Choice" digital music alternative channels aren't exactly the latest music. I know that there are some alternative stations online, but I haven't bought any speakers for my laptop, so the quality of the sound is comparable to a transistor radio.

On Saturday mornings, PBS is my all day viewing choice. This is where I learn to do all of the things that I never do, like cooking, home repair and gardening. I don't watch the painting and quilting shows - I just can't take them.

This morning, a new cooking show has debuted: "Everyday Food." When I saw the name, I knew that it was familiar, and then the hosts started introducing themselves, and they work for Martha Stewart. This show is produced by Martha Stewart's company with her employees starring.

I thought that one had to be semi-impoverished/struggling to have a show on PBS. I don't have a problem with Martha, but why doesn't she just buy her own cable channel or something.? I still haven't figured out what show they've pulled to put this on, but I'm pretty sure that they are punishing me because I let my membership run out.
