Thursday, June 16, 2005

Warning: Political Post

Conservative politicians put Terry Schiavo's family through so much just to further their politics. Now we know that not only was she in a persistant vegetative state but that she was also blind (obviously not responding to visual stimuli) and that her illness did not appear to have been caused by any type of abuse.

These lawmakers are the same people who have convinced many of our American public that if you have moral values, you have to vote Republican. I say that this is just another example of conservatives lying in a power grab no matter who it hurts. You know what I think? Jesus was a liberal: kind, giving, and inclusive. If you are a Christian, you should live by the example of Christ and not by the example of a bunch of full-of-shit politicians.

Shame on those pundits who used this poor woman's life and end of life as nothing more than a news story when her husband and family were involved a truly tragic family drama. No one should have to live through something so awful. I only hope that they are left alone now to come to terms with their loved one's death - God rest her soul.
