...it shocked me too
I went out with Cook the other night to this guy's house in Moore. It was just your typical lets-sit-on-the-couch-and-stare-at-each other affairs that no one really goes to unless they don't have shit else to do. Apparently, Cook and I did not have shit else to do.I'm sitting on the couch listening to this boy named Ali (Yes, like Mohammed who is his twin brother. for real) tell me how exotic (in an Arabic way) he is and how I should definitely think he's sexy, when this other guy who is not exotic (in an Arabic way) but is my ethnicity and very good looking comes and sits by me.
He gives me an excuse to tune out the weird guy who thinks he's hot. Naturally, I start talking to him. Our chit-chatting leads to flirting, and flirting leads to, "can I have your number", which leads to me saying, "No. I'm sorry. I have a boyfriend."
blink. blink.
I stopped talking at that moment and mouthed the words, "Let's go," to Cook.
As I walked out the door, I envisioned me kicking myself in the ass, because that boy was entirely too cute for his own good. See, usually, even if I did have a boyfriend, I would give him my number just in case. But no. Not this time.
I even caught myself off guard on that one. Man, Danny's effing lucky.
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