Friday, March 31, 2006

neither wine nor God can save you

What a crappy day in health news. There are two new studies out: one states that wine actually has very few health benefits, and the other states that patients who have people praying for them don't have any better recovery rates than anyone else.

Both of these studies contradict earlier studies that I liked much better. I assume that you already know that I like wine - yummy, red wine like Zinfandel and Syrah. I try to improve my health several times a month with good friends, good talk, and, ah yes, good red wine. Apparently, I'm not doing myself one bit of good.

I also had the prayer thing going for me as some of my family and friends are religious and/or spiritual and are kind enough to remember me to the old guy upstairs. I have even been known to pray for myself, and sometimes this has even followed a night of red wine, health improvement. I'm just not sure if "please God, if you'll help me quit puking, I'll never drink again" counts for anything.


Thursday, March 30, 2006

It is almost April 4th!

Two cool things are happening April 4th. I am starting my new job, and The Flaming Lips new album "At War with the Mystics" is being released in the US.

The Lips have always had a great website, and you can listen to the new album there. If you go to their new album site, you can have a Tarot reading and be given your mystical track. I did it and am both magical and mystical, but you already knew that.

Isn't it about time that they did one of their fake-named-band-secret-OKC shows? It is been a while since they've had one, hasn't it? Wayne, just do it! (Call me first!)


Wednesday, March 29, 2006

philosophical poo

The gods had condemned Sisyphus to ceaselessly rolling a rock to the top of a mountain, whence the stone would fall back of its own weight. They had thought with some reason that there is no more dreadful punishment than futile and hopeless labor.
The struggle itself toward the heights is enough to fill a man's heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy.

The Myth of Sisyphus
- Albert Camus

If you can make it from the opening lines to the closing lines of "The Myth of Sisyphus" and have it hold true for you, then you should be able to be happy as well. It is a struggle for me.

I'm starting a new job next week about which I'm very excited and am hanging out with a decent kind of fella, but there is still a part of me that wonders what in the world this is all about.

Is rolling the rock enough to pull you through the days? I understand that it is about putting your own meaning into life, but sometimes I guess that I would like to feel as if I'm doing something more.


Thursday, March 16, 2006


I haven't been able to stand the sight of Katherine Harris since the 2000 presidential election/appointment. I cringe every time I see her on TV. Come to find out, she is also filthy rich. Both her father and grandfather were millionaires and, apparently, so is she. Now is dislike her even more.

She is about to invest a recent $10 million inheritance in her Florida Senate campaign. I hope that she get's whipped and that someone takes away all of that sparkledy makeup she likes to wear so much. (I know that that was a mean-girl comment and completely off-point, but she looks like a 7th grade girl at her first dance with all of that crap on - another mean comment - I'm just going to stop right now.)


Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Carla Martin, what in the hell were you thinking? Are you a complete ignoramous? You don't know that you aren't allowed to coach witnesses? You don't know that witnesses aren't supposed to know the other witnesses' testimony or the rulings of the court during the proceedings?

You do not have to be an attorney to know this stuff. On NPR, they said that any first year law student should know all of these basic court rules. I'll top that - anyone whose seen "Law and Order" two or three times would easily know that most of what Martin did isn't allowed. Anyone with any common sense should know that what she did was wrong.


Monday, March 13, 2006

hacker or hacker

Can you tell the difference between a computer geek and a serial killer?
Take this quiz and find out.

Andrei Chikatilo is one of the killers that you are introduced to during the quiz. He is the subject of the film "Citizen X" which is a GREAT movie. If you haven't seen it, you should check it out. Stephen Rea is outstanding in the film.

I don't know anything about any of the computer nerds. How sad is that? I know about several of the serial killers. It is sad how some criminals achive more fame than geniuses.

Okay, I'm done. Go play now.


Monday, March 06, 2006

the girls Saturday night

Here is a pic of the infamous night of the evil shoes. My friends are on each side of me in the back, and the girls in the front all have the same name. I think they are the Chrissies or something.


beauty is pain

IAO had it's annual "Biting the Apple" erotic art show opening last weekend, and there were lots of people playing dress up at the Saturday night fetish ball. I've never seen more body parts pushed up, corseted in, strapped down, and balancing so precariously. There were some unbelievable outfits, including those worn by my very confident friends who wore very tiny clothing, but they looked amazing.

I decided to go with business attire - a nice, black, structured suit that was modest compared to most folks there. The only really risque' thing that I wore were my new red velvet four inch stiletto heels. (See picture above - they look even better on!) However, I don't think that my feet will ever be the same. I actually thought that I might have gotten a stress fracture or something as I could barely walk by the end of the night or the entire next day.

Did I mention that fact that I had worked a 40 hour week at my day job and had been 15 hours on my feet waiting tables at my second job? I then decided that it would be a good idea to cram my feet into ridiculous shoes and go out. If beauty is pain, then my feet must have looked effing beautiful. (Actually at least a half a dozen people stopped me to admire the shoes - maybe it was worth it.)
