Wednesday, June 29, 2005

why this job is better than the last one - part 1

At my last job, I worked late almost every night. Sometimes I only stayed 15 minutes or so, and sometimes I stayed several hours. (Sometimes I got paid for my time, sometimes I got nothin.) I usually ran from 3-8 minutes late. I caught hell almost every day for tardiness - even when I put in 60+ hours to get the work done when we were shorthanded.

At my new job, I'm pretty much on time - maybe a couple of minutes late. No one seems to notice or care. Except for today - today I had an awful sinus headache, had to stop at the drug store, and had to grab some some food (so the medicine wouldn't make me hurl). I called my boss and left a message telling her my plan. I've been working hard and making an effort to get on top of things, so I actually have several hours comp time already. That said, I was still 30 minutes late.

I was a little worried when she arrived at my office (on the opposite end of the building from hers). First, she asked me if I was feeling better. Second, she thanked me for leaving her a message to let her know I was running late. Third, she opened a bag she was holding and pulled out a book.

I know that it is past time to get to the meat of this tale, but we're going to take another short break so that I can describe my new boss. She seems really cool, but if I had to guess, I would say that she is in her late sixties; she has a gray bob, dresses very conservatively, and kind of reminds me of someone's grandma.

Anyway, she opens a bag, reaches in, pulls out a book, and hands it to me: Male Desire : The Homoerotic in American Art. She says to me, "why don't you look over this. It should get you going." I about fell off of my freakin' chair. She actually realized that I was having a shitty day and did something to try to make it better (and that something was awesomely cool). I spent the next hour or so perusing a gorgeous, glossy book full of gorgeous, male nudes. Now I know that I wasn't the target audience for this book, but I didn't let that stop me. What a way to turn around a day. (In case you were wondering, I did end up working my ass off today and getting tons done - with a smile.)

Yet another aside, she had bought the book because a friend of hers from the 60s is an artist whose work is in it (and on the cover). This afternoon, he called her, and the call came into my office, so I was able to speak to a lovely man whose work I greatly admire (and how)! My new job officially rocks!

Oh, Dave Matthews, come to me, my love! Hot, cool, AND talented. Yikes! Also, he wrote the lyrics to "Crash" which is, perhaps, the sexist song ever recorded. (I've got to stop watching VH1 MegaHits every time I post.) Still, "Mr. Brightside" is a very clever video, and "The Killers" should be named "The Cuties."


Tuesday, June 28, 2005 shocked me too

I went out with Cook the other night to this guy's house in Moore. It was just your typical lets-sit-on-the-couch-and-stare-at-each other affairs that no one really goes to unless they don't have shit else to do. Apparently, Cook and I did not have shit else to do.

I'm sitting on the couch listening to this boy named Ali (Yes, like Mohammed who is his twin brother. for real) tell me how exotic (in an Arabic way) he is and how I should definitely think he's sexy, when this other guy who is not exotic (in an Arabic way) but is my ethnicity and very good looking comes and sits by me.

He gives me an excuse to tune out the weird guy who thinks he's hot. Naturally, I start talking to him. Our chit-chatting leads to flirting, and flirting leads to, "can I have your number", which leads to me saying, "No. I'm sorry. I have a boyfriend."


blink. blink.

I stopped talking at that moment and mouthed the words, "Let's go," to Cook.

As I walked out the door, I envisioned me kicking myself in the ass, because that boy was entirely too cute for his own good. See, usually, even if I did have a boyfriend, I would give him my number just in case. But no. Not this time.

I even caught myself off guard on that one. Man, Danny's effing lucky.


Monday, June 27, 2005

but who's counting?

On April 24th I posted about running into Transition Man. I mentioned the fact that TM had asked if he could see me again, and I told him to give me a call, that we'd see. I'm sure you all thought that I've been posting so infrequently because I've been off shagging him like a madwoman. Well, you were wrong.

TM never called. . . until yesterday. Does that even count? I mean, does it really take 60 days to get around to calling someone? Obviously not. Am I the only one who thinks that if TM really wanted to see me again, he would have managed to sneak a call in within a week or two at the most, even if he were trying to work the ultra cool angle?

With this length of a wait, he is risking my having destroyed not only the brain cells containing the information regarding our April encounter, but also any and all brain cells that contain a record of his existance in the world. Thank god I'm a blog whiner, or I might forget about all of my shitty break-ups.

Whatever happened to "The Presidents of the United States of America"? They not only were cool, but they were also cute. (Not to mention brilliant lyricists - Peaches come from a can. They were put there by a man, in a factory downtown.) AND Bjork kicks ass.

TM does not kick ass. Although I can't wait to see what his rationale for the two month wait is, and OKC being the size it is, I'm sure that someday this conversation will take place, and you'll be the first to know (after I've called Tina).


Thursday, June 16, 2005

Warning: Political Post

Conservative politicians put Terry Schiavo's family through so much just to further their politics. Now we know that not only was she in a persistant vegetative state but that she was also blind (obviously not responding to visual stimuli) and that her illness did not appear to have been caused by any type of abuse.

These lawmakers are the same people who have convinced many of our American public that if you have moral values, you have to vote Republican. I say that this is just another example of conservatives lying in a power grab no matter who it hurts. You know what I think? Jesus was a liberal: kind, giving, and inclusive. If you are a Christian, you should live by the example of Christ and not by the example of a bunch of full-of-shit politicians.

Shame on those pundits who used this poor woman's life and end of life as nothing more than a news story when her husband and family were involved a truly tragic family drama. No one should have to live through something so awful. I only hope that they are left alone now to come to terms with their loved one's death - God rest her soul.


Monday, June 13, 2005

Weezer rocks!

They just had a Weezer block of videos on VH1 Mega Hits, and I realized that I no longer have any Weezer CDs - I lost them all in the divorce. (Actually, I'm not really divorced, but after you have shacked up with someone for 5+ years, dividing everything really sucks!) I guess I'm going to have to go visit Amazon and remedy this.

My stint with my last employer is over (except for picking up my final paycheck on Wednesday and showing my co-workers where all of the shit on my computer is). Since I now have a week off of work, I thought that I would throw something up so that I wouldn't feel guilty about going out drinking tonight - again.

Now they are showing a block of Foofighters' videos. Their videos are very clever; however, I do have a problem with the fact that the one guy who is always is drag in the videos is way cuter than me even though he, obviously, isn't really a woman. There is enough competition out there with other women and georgeus drag queens without having to compete with a hairy-legged straight guy! By the way, Dave Groehl is hot.
