Saturday, August 06, 2005

Apple pie is my favorite.

Since the Paris Stairs women are only averaging about a post every two weeks, maybe we should invite Chase to guest post. Except, he is cutting down on his blogging - he's down to only about two posts a day. That cracks me up.

I haven't posted in almost a month and still don't really feel as if I have much to say. My new job has been interesting as I'm in a huge learning curve, working on a Mac for the first time, learning new software, and figuring out how to manage people at the same time. I'm actually starting to struggle on my laptop a little; I hope that I don't lose all of my mad pc skills in developing my kick-ass Mac skills.

Also, I got a crazy call several weeks ago that has slapped me into a Jerry Springer-like situation. I didn't know how to react and, initially, felt consumed by this thing over which I have no control. (I know that it would be easier for you to understand if you had some details, but trust me, you really don't want to know.)

My secondary reaction has been to refuse to be involved in this bizarro situation on any level, and I'm doing my best to not even think about it. This is where my trouble starts, and I resent the shit out of the fact that someone else's fuck-up is occupying so many of my thoughts. I've taken to humming to myself A LOT, and NPR is pretty much saving my ass as it is such a great distraction.

I'm stealing Brit's idea of using a random title on my post, but even though it is random, it is also true. Except for maybe cherry cobbler, apple pie is my favorite. Actually, desserts in general are my favorite; the type of dessert varies depending on my mood. Can you say "La Baguette"?
