Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated, OR I just don't have time for this shit right now.
Reasons the blog hasn't been updated in ages:I've been sick (seriously, really sick).
Tina has been sick (seriously, she's been sick forever - I either caught the shit from her or one of her offspring).
Our other friend has been sick (same shit Tina and I had landed her in the hospital - perhaps, miracle we are alive!).
Brit is being a snob and only updating her blog instead of taking care of her mom and auntie. (Poor AuntieT and Tina)
New job - maybe shouldn't blog at work.
Say I were going to try to blog from work, my computer is a Mac and still kind of confusing.
The blog really looks like shit from the Mac.
I don't have formatting options on the Mac, and I really like to format.
Plus, new job - really shouldn't blog from work.
The ex pulled super stupid stunt but don't want to talk about it.
(Why are boys so effing stupid? Nevermind, don't want to talk about it.)
No new boys to talk about as am taking sabbatical from men.
(Is nice to be able to use big word AND act like lack of men in my life is my choice at same time.)
Everytime I go to Blogger, I end up spending all of my time catching up with Jameson, Chase, and Rory.
(See - I can't freaking link as I have no formatting on the Mac - not that I'm blogging from work. New job - bad idea.)
Sucks to have the only posts on the blog just telling everyone why we aren't posting - that and links to Reuters "Oddly Enough" stories or "College Humor" blog.
Am going into deep depression as birthday is one month from today and am starting to get really freaking old.
Would be nice to post something original and witty but am currently lacking in both original and witty areas as am getting so old.
No one wants to read an "all bitching all the time" blog.
Why I'm posting today:
Public Information Officer at new job is thinking about starting a work-related blog so offered to teach her, then wondered if I could remember as it had been so long since I posted. Not that I'm blogging from work as have new job - bad idea.
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